Saturday, March 3, 2007

The ecstacy and the agony

Today the house defeated me. I started the day with so much optimism, but as the day progressed my glass became half empty. I had visions of a shiny new red front door, two newly installed pre-hung doors and crayon free wood in the master bedroom.

First the wood bondo never dried overnight so when I went to sand it down all I got was a gummed up sander, so scratch that off my list.

Next I tackled the wood in all the bedrooms. Cleaning with TSP is no easy task, especially if what you are cleaning is on the ceiling! There are a bunch of "lovely" crayon drawing all over the walls and ceilings - don't ask me how they got there - and I spent the greater part of my day scrubbing them off. Crayon is not so easy to scrub off wood. After a few aggravating hours and 3 stubborn stripped screws later I decided to move on to project number three, and allow some of the masterpieces to be enjoyed for a few more days.

Last planned project for the day was to install the pre-hung door. Luckily today was a beautiful day so we did not have to contend with the rain but even on nice days a pre-hung door still takes three adults 2 hours to install. On the bright side we did get the door in and insulated today, but we are leaving the second door for another day!

All in all only one of my projects were accomplished, but to end on a happy note our roof has been sealed and we no longer have any leaks! Yippi, bring on the sheetrock!

More to come.

1 comment:

Kath said...

D and M,
Love the blog... keep it up, more pictures please... loved Paul and Matt swinging on the rafters. Can't wait to see the progress in April. As I told Sally, all this work will be worth it since it sounds like Matt wants to live there forever... Love to you both and keep up the good work.